Esperanza Viva
Our Ministry
We Make disciples who, in turn, make disciples who make disciples…(Mt 28:18-20, 2 Tim. 2:2)
Through Discipleship Training:
· We help the Quichua Venezuelan Refugee Migrants and other Ecuadorians to know Christ and to make Him known. To know not just about God, but to know God Himself; thru His Word (Biblical & Theological studies), through prayer (it’s various forms) and through serving in the midst of their daily lives.
· We desire Quichua to come to know Christ’s salvation, by grace through faith.
· We teach Quichua about their identity in Christ, which brings life-giving freedom and hope. As they internalize this they can then be in the process of being transformed in their daily lives.
· We equip them to bring this message of freedom to those who have not heard.
· We seek to train the Quichua leaders to rightly handle the Word of truth (2Tim 2:15, 2 Tim. 3:16-17 Titus); to be leaders with Christ-like character (1 Tim 3, Titus 1) and to care for their sheep as their Good Shepherd does (Jn 10).
· Our goal is that they become equipped to tell or train others what they have learned.